powher.sfw@gmail.com    9654610176, 9999421624



GULRIWAYAT is a program initiated by POWHER that focuses on creating livelihood for underprivileged women and people with disabilities, while also protecting the environment. The program collects flowers from temples in East Delhi to make organic Holi Gulal, Aggarbatti, and Dhoop for worship. These products are not only safe for the skin and environment, but also provide a source of income for the women and people with disabilities involved in their production.

GULRIWAYAT’s Holi Gulal is 100% organic, chemical-free, and safe for children and people with sensitive skin. It comes in various colorful and gift packaging options, making it a great choice for those who want to celebrate Holi in an eco-friendly and socially responsible way.

By purchasing GULRIWAYAT’s Holi Gulal, you not only get to enjoy the pleasure of Holi, but also contribute to the livelihood of underprivileged women and people with disabilities. By choosing GULRIWAYAT, you are also supporting a program that is helping to reduce the pollution of rivers and nature, and promoting sustainable agriculture.

In conclusion, GULRIWAYAT is a program that promotes social and environmental responsibility, and provides a way for people to celebrate Holi in an eco-friendly and socially responsible way. By supporting GULRIWAYAT, you are not only creating livelihood for underprivileged women and people with disabilities, but also contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world for all.

Project Rationale

India is a country of Religion but our population acts as irresponsible devotee. Indian rivers are flooded with tones of flowers disposed from temples and mosques every day after the are offered in religious celebrations and ceremonies. As a result, Flower pollution has now become an alarming concern. With mass dumped roses, lilies, marigold.

With growing flower pollution in Indian rivers, it was found from investigation that these waste flowers are covered with pesticides that leach into the river. Toxic arsenic, lead, and cadmium were also found to be contributing to turning these bodies of water into a potentially deadly carcinogenic soup. Despite being completely biodegradable and natural, even the nutrients that come from these decaying flowers can be a problem. Upsetting a careful balance, they cause algae to grow out of control and reduce the amount of oxygen present in the water making life hard for all kinds of marine life.

The rivers of our country could breathe again if this floral waste could be recycled intelligently.

Project Objectives

  • Provide regular opportunity to underprivilege women, differently abled and special adults for livelihood
  • Use low-cost methods to train underprivileged people with skill and knowledge of something that helps them generate income for themselves and further contributes in betterment of environment.
  • Provide Rehabilitation – Make the differently abled participate in the process according to their strengths and limitations. This enables them to co-regulate their dysfunctional behaviors in group setting and learn work as a team.
  • Save environment as a social responsibility.

Conduct the training program and provide incomes with the money generated from sales

Project Execution

  • Collection – Bulk of floral waste are collected in from designated temples, mosques and banquets are brought to the centres.
  • Sorting the waste – once reached, the collected waste is filtered out and flowers are segregated from remaining temple waste such as dhoop, aggarbatti etc.
  • Sorting the flowers – on segregating the flower are sorted into individual sets on the basis of type and moisture.
  • Cutting of flowers – After sorting the flowers, each flower is individually separated into petals, sepals and seeds and spread for drying.
  • Making of Products – The petals are further converted into making of natural gulaal and rangoli powders. And sepals and seeds are grinded to create dough for aggarbatti and dhoopbatti.
  • To further make our project 100% eco-friendly, the huge plastic polythene used for collection of flowers is later crafted into bags, instead of disposing.

Project Outcome

  • Employment for under privileged women, differently abled and special adults
  • Skill Training to the aforementioned community
  • Development of Natural Products
  • Holi colours
  • Rangoli colour
  • Aggarbatti and Dhoopbatti
  • Polythene Bags