powher.sfw@gmail.com    9654610176, 9999421624


"Rehabilitating and restoring dignity, POWHER offers hope to those in need and enables a path towards a brighter future."
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"From flowers to livelihoods, POWHER's Gulriwayat program blooms with hope for underprivileged women and differently-abled individuals."
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"Shop with purpose, support with impact! At POWHER's store, your purchases empower lives and drive change for a better world."
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(Provide Opportunity To Women, Handicap For Empowerment & Rehabilitation)


POWHER is a non-profit organization created by a united team of social workers who dreamed to uplift and empower women and specially abled people living in the slums of North Delhi.  July 2010 marked the beginning of this initiative, by firstly organizing programmes for education and imparting knowledge of basic manners and etiquettes to a group of young boys and girls of the slums in North Delhi. These sessions were conducted by unpaid volunteers in open spaces available in the parks.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower the girls and women living in the urban slum communities and enabling them in leading a life with dignity, equality and development to their maximum potential.

Our Mission

Our mission is to uplift the underprivileged and differently abled sections of society, residing in the slums of North Delhi through creating skill development programs and livelihood opportunities.


Training and developing the skills of women with reference to the specially enabled women.

Generating employment opportunities for women by utilising the skills imparted for supporting themselves and their families.

Creating new avenues for the women ,young girls and the differently abled to restore back their position in the society.

Establish Self- help groups & create self-sustaining production centers for producing and marketing products to cater the needs of the local market.

Spreading awareness about their legal rights and facilitating access to learning and training.

Our Area of Work

Access to Learning and Training

POWHER is an NGO which works for the upliftment of poor and less abled persons. A vast majority of the employees at POWHER are extremely poor, differently abled and have no other source of income in the family.
Our major areas of work are:

Our Achievements

Donate To Support

Support us with you small contribution which can make a huge difference 

Become A Volunteer

Join us as a Volunteer to make this world a better place to live


Buy our eco-friendly handmade product to support our livelihood program

distributing happiness on celebrating republic Day

Celebrating happiness by distributing blanket and Cloths to needy near Mansarovar Park, in slum area



During covid we have helped my families by providing them ration kit costs ₹1200 which contains daal, rice, salt, oil, atta, masala, tea, sugar, sattu, chana, etc


Journey Of Waste Flowers To Products

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